Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center
Welcome to the Friendship LRC! Here, you can find links to access our catalog, research materials, and other useful information.
Quick Links:
Library Resources
We have a lot of resources for you to explore. Whether you need to find a book to read or research a topic for class, we have something that can help.
summer reading resources
Looking to read something over the summer? You can use Destiny Discover, Sora, and Learning Ally on any device, even during the summer. Check out this guide for instructions on how to access all of our ebook platforms. Visit your local public library for more information about available summer reading programs.
Mount Prospect Public Library Summer Reading
Elk Grove Public Library Summer Reading
Destiny Discover
Use Destiny Discover to search the library catalog for books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
Gale Databases
Gale Databases let you access academic resources such as articles, journals, and reference information. You might use Gale to find quality information for a research project.
World Book Online
World Book Online gives you access to the World Book Encyclopedia. Use this for reference and to start learning about a new topic.
Sora lets you access ebooks and audiobooks on your chromebook or personal
device. You can also add your public library to access their collection.
Welcome to the Friendship LRC! Here, you can find links to access our catalog, research materials, and other useful information.
Quick Links:
Library Resources
We have a lot of resources for you to explore. Whether you need to find a book to read or research a topic for class, we have something that can help.
summer reading resources
Looking to read something over the summer? You can use Destiny Discover, Sora, and Learning Ally on any device, even during the summer. Check out this guide for instructions on how to access all of our ebook platforms. Visit your local public library for more information about available summer reading programs.
Mount Prospect Public Library Summer Reading
Elk Grove Public Library Summer Reading
Destiny Discover
Use Destiny Discover to search the library catalog for books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
Gale Databases
Gale Databases let you access academic resources such as articles, journals, and reference information. You might use Gale to find quality information for a research project.
World Book Online
World Book Online gives you access to the World Book Encyclopedia. Use this for reference and to start learning about a new topic.
Sora lets you access ebooks and audiobooks on your chromebook or personal
device. You can also add your public library to access their collection.